The skin is considered to be an organ of the body, but is different from the other organs due to its external location. It performs many important function and is highly efficient. For the beauty therapist, the study of the skin is essential in making a correct diagnosis and giving the appropriate treatment. The Study of the skin is called dermatology.

Types of skin:
Mainly four types:-
1) Normal:A normal skin has a fine, even texture, with a supply and smooth surface. It has a proper balance between the oil and moisture control. It looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes.
2) Only Skin: This type of skin  is caused by an over secretion of sebum by the glands making the skin surface oily.
3) Dry skin:Dry skin has a parched appearance and prone to wrinkles and lines. It is caused by insufficient secretion of sebum.
4) Combination skin: It is a combination of both and dry skin. The 'T-Zone' area i.e. for - head, nose & chin is greasy and the other portion dry. This type of skin is very common.

Problem                     Useful Essential oils
1. Stress and tension  - Ylang Ylang sage, Neroli orange, Sandalwood, lavender, lemon blend sage.
2. Premenstrual tension and period pain - Clay sage, Marjoram, Jasmine, Rose camomile, and lavender.
3. Ageing wrinkles - Juniper, Geranium, Frankincense, rose, neroli blend with almond , jojoba base Oil.
4. Dry skin - Rose, Frankincense,  neroli blend with almond , jojoba base oil.
5. Oily skin -  Lemon, lavender,  Camomile blend with soya base oil.
6.Normal skin - Rose , lavender,  geranium , Sandalwood, blend with jojoba base oil.
