Get Into Shape Through Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline that deals with the entire well being of man. It is the traditional path to physical, mental,moral and spiritual good health. The word ' Yoga ' is derived from the sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means union. It signifies the union of body and mind. In actual fact,it has an scientific basis and consists of well-defined exercises.

Elements Of Yoga
Yoga consisting of eight branches or elements such as asanas and pranayama, has been practiced in India for more than 5000 years.
i) Yama
ii) Niyam
iii) Pratyahara
iv) Dharna
v) Pranayama
vi) Asana
vi) Dhyan
viii) Dharna

Thus, the mind is free from the senses, the emotions and passion are controlled and the is kept strong and healthy. The ultimate is to reach a level of consciousness of the inner self through concentration and meditation.

 1. Vajrasana
 Vajrasana is also called the diamond pose.

i) kneel down on the floor. Point the toes of the feet backwards and keep the feet together.
ii) Lower your body so that your buttocks rest on the heels.
iii) Place your palms on your knees, keep your spine erect and look straight.
iv) Hold this position for 5 minutes.

i) Helps in reducing of belly fat.
ii) Tones body muscles like hips, thighs and calf muscles.
iii) Helps in digestion.

2) Hastasana
 Hastasana is called the upward salute or the upward hands pose, it is a part of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).

i) Stand with the arms on your side.
ii) Inhale and raise both arms, stretching them over the head.
iii) The arms should be parallel to each other with the palms facing each other. Keep the head,spine and legs straight.
iv) Exhale and bring the arms down by your side.

i) Helps stretch and tone arms, shoulders, spine and upper and lower back.
ii) Helps increase the capacity of the lungs.
iii) Helps in enhancing the body posture.

3) Ardh Matsyendrasana
Ardh Matsyendrasana is also called the Half Lord of the Fishes Pose.  This asana is named after the yogi Matsyendranath who founded Hatha Yoga.

i) Sit in Vajrasana, i.e., kneeling down with legs together, resting on your heels.
ii) Then, shift your body and sit to the right of your feet.
iii) Lift your left leg over right and place the left foot against the right knee.
iv) Ensure that your right heel is close to your buttocks. Keep the spine erect.
v) stretch your arms out at shoulder level, and twist around to the left.
vi) Now bring the right arm down around the left knee and hold the left foot.  Place your left hand on the floor behind you.
vii) Exhale and twist as far as possible to the left. Look over the left shoulder.
viii) Hold the posture for 30 seconds while breathing normally.
xi) Release the hands and sit in relaxed position.
x) Repeat on the other side.

i) Stretches the neck, hips and shoulders.
ii) Strengthens the spine and the hips.
iii) Stimulates heart, kidney and lungs.

4) Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana is also called the snake or cobra pose.

i) Lie down on your stomach. Extend the legs so that the toes are flat and touch each other.  Forehead should be resting on the ground.
ii) place your hands(palms downward) at shoulder level, keeping elbows parallel.
iii) Inhale and raise your head, chest and abdomen.
iv) Arch your back as much as possible, tilt your head back and look up. The elbows should be straight.
v) Hold this position while breathing normally.
vi) Exhale, bend your elbows and bring your body down to the floor.

i) Tones the abdomen.
ii) Strengthens back, shoulders and arms.
iii) Reduces fatigue and stress.

5) Shavasana
Shavasana is also known as the corpse pose.

i) Lie flat with your back on the floor.
ii) Place your arms alongside the body,  Slightly apart. Palms should be facing upwards
iii) Your legs should be straight and separated.
iv) Close your eyes and breathe slowly.

i) Improves energy level.
ii) Relaxes the mind and body.
iii) Reduces blood pressure and anxiety.
