Hair Disorders

Types of hair disorders
1) Whitening Hair
 The causes of whitening hair are:-
  i) With age the number of pigment cells in the decreases.
  ii) Nervous shock.
  iii) severe illness.
  iv) Congenital (birth) defect pigment
   V) Infection disease like typhoid, fever, viral infection etc.

2) Falling Hair
The Causes of hair fall are:-
 i) Emotional problems, worries and tension.
 ii) Dandruff and scalp infection.
 iii) Malnutrition(protein, mineral,         other nutrients deficiency.
 iv) Reaction to drugs.
 v) Hormonal disturbance due to   pregnancy, menopause and birth   control pills.

In case of whitening hair always avoid the use of chemical dyes and colorants. Instead go for the natural colorants like henna, amla, hibiscus, marigold. Avoid late nights, tension,  and anxiety. Go for meditation and exercise. Soak a cup of amla powder in 2 cups of water in an iron vessel and leave it overnight. Treat your scalp with this mixture.
