The Study Of Hair

The study of hair, technically called trichology, is important because stylists deal with hair on a daily basis . Full grown human hair is divided into two principal, the rooted and shaft. The average life of hair may range from 2 to 4 years.  The usual growth of hair is about half an inch per month. Hair growth is more in summer. Hair growth is slightly faster in women than men and as we slowly become older our hair seems to grow slow as well as thinner.

How many types of hair?
 1. Oily hair- The hair on the scalp and skin is kept lubricated by the secretion of the oil glands. When the oil glands are over active,  the scalp and the hair get too oily. Oily hair, not only appears greasy but also attracts more dirt.

2) Dry hair- The hair may be dry due to inactive oil glands or due to presence of less number of oil glands.  Dry hair may also be caused by other factors like over exposure to sun, heat, harsh shampoos, chemical treatment.

3) Normal hair- Normal hair is likely a normal skin has a good balance of oil and moisture and between the acid and alkaline nuture of the scalp. However normal hair also requires regular care to maintain its condition.

4) Combination Hair- Sometimes in summer hair becomes more oily and in winter it looks dry. Care should be taken accordingly hair tonic is must for this type of hair.
