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Get Into Shape Through Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline that deals with the entire well being of man. It is the traditional path to physical, mental,moral and spiritual good health. The word ' Yoga ' is derived from the sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means union. It signifies the union of body and mind. In actual fact,it has an scientific basis and consists of well-defined exercises. Elements Of Yoga Yoga consisting of eight branches or elements such as asanas and pranayama, has been practiced in India for more than 5000 years. i) Yama ii) Niyam iii) Pratyahara iv) Dharna v) Pranayama vi) Asana vi) Dhyan viii) Dharna Thus, the mind is free from the senses, the emotions and passion are controlled and the is kept strong and healthy. The ultimate is to reach a level of consciousness of the inner self through concentration and meditation.   1.  Vajrasana  Vajrasana is also called the diamond pose. Procedure i) kneel down on the floor. Point the toes of the feet backwards a

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